Horse partnerships start at $20,000 and increase in cost as availability decreases.
Will trade a horse partnership for grooming, training, yard care, land and home improvement, house cleaning, entertainment, etc.
There is a $1,000 referral bonus for every referred partner.
There is only a one time fee with no maintenance fee, hidden fees, passed on fees, or any other creative fees like your phone bill.
Your horse will live to its late 20s, but can live to 35+ years without incident.
If your horse should pass away before 10 years, your partnership transfers to another horse. This is allowed once.
The partnership money guarantees the best training and care of your horse.
Funding goes to training, feed, veterinarian fees, hoof care, deworming, and equipment for your horse.
Partners do not have to worry about having horse knowledge, 0wning a horse facility, daily care of your horse, training, etc.
Horse partnerships can be resold.
Partnerships per horse will be limited.
Time with your horse is shared among partners and managed by the ranch owner.
Your horse will be allowed to participate in show like the Fall Championship Celebration or the Spring Futurity Show upon negotiation.
Your horse stays at the ranch unless on a supervised trail ride at one of the many nearby trails on government land and parks.
Horse management is overseen by the owner of the ranch.